Kathy Batson

Email Addresskbatson@schuylkillvalley.org
Your NameKathy
What do you teach?8th grade language arts
Birthday day and monthFebruary 8th
Favorite place to shop?Target
Favorite restaurantChick fil A
Favorite snack?Dove dark chocolate
Favorite candy?Dove dark chocolate
Favorite cookie?chocolate chip
Favorite drink?diet green tea
Coffee or Tea?Tea
Any allergies?watermelon
Favorite color?red, pink, black
Favorite flower?gerber daisy
Favorite scent?vanilla
Favorite sports team?WVU football
Do you collect anything?picture frames
Shirt size?XL
If there was one item you wish every parent donated what would it be?soft tissues
If there was one item you wish no parent ever donated what would it be?no idea
If there was one piece of information you wished every parent knew about you or your classroom what would it be?I LOVE my job! The key to success in my class is to care EVERY day and to care EVERY day.
What is your classroom wish list- please list as many things as you can think of! If there is a particular brand you would prefer please tell us that too!neon-colored 4×4 post-it-notes
Jolly Ranchers for students